Sunday, October 2, 2011

Race for the Cure, Portland 2011

Last month, I volunteered for the Race for the Cure event in Portland, OR.  And in honor of my loved ones who lost their battle with cancer, I decided to do a Giveaway to help promote awareness. Volunteering for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event was so much fun:D

My sister (left) and I checked in at 6:30 am.  Boy was that early.  Wheeew:) They gave us our volunteer shirts and then we were off to get my sister checked in as a race participant.  She's so awesome!  She volunteered AND did the race.

I loved seeing all these pink grapefruit drinks and pink bottles of water!

I left the tent my sister and I were volunteering in so I can see her off for the race.  After a shirt change and meeting up with her little group, they were off!  

After the race started, I stuck around to take a couple more pictures and ended up running into cousin Dominique with her parens and friend Heather:)  So we chatted for a second and then they were off again!

My cousin Shaina (middle) sent me this pic above after I got back to the volunteer tent.  Her and her sister Jenee and my sister just so happen to bump into each other.  Crazy huh?!  Thousands upon thousands of people and they still find each other.  I love that!

It was AMAZING to see the people fill up the streets of more than 8 city blocks.  AMAZING I tell you!

 There were so many people there:)

Lots and lots of PINK!!!

I went back to the Survivor City Cafe tent after the race started so I could do some more volunteering.  I met so many survivors there.  Some came with family, some of which were surviving with them and some were there with friends.  One of the survivors I met had been a survivor for 20 years!!!  10 years from her first bout with breast cancer and 10 from her second.  Talking with a lot of them, you start to become more and more grateful and humble with life.  Their stories can be very sobering.  These women in the pink shirts were all survivors:)

This man was there walking in honor of his mother surviving!  His shirt was pretty funny:D

When the race ended my cousins Shaina and Jenee came back to the Survivor City Cafe tent to do some more volunteering:)  Yay!  We love people who donate of their time.

The whole experience was a joy.  I enjoyed meeting new people and giving of my time.  It was a real blessing:)  If you ever get the chance to attend a Komen Race for the Cure event, I suggest you do it, whether it's participating in the race or volunteering.  

Let's hope that soon there will be a cure and that we will only be racing for the finish line in celebration for a cure found.  

Please go to these links and order Breast Cancer Awareness products, make a donation or "like" and share them on your facebook page, google+, twitter, etc.  Let's promote awareness and find a cure!!!