Sunday, September 25, 2011

Deep-Fried Oreos and Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream....yummm!!!

  Tonight we made deep-fried and homemade vanilla ice cream for the first time.  It was quite delicious.  I love when ice cream has that really coarse grainy texture.  The oreos were really simple to make but I have no idea what went into making the ice cream.  My aunty Rosie was in charge of that :)

We got the idea for making deep-fried oreos from a trip that our family took to the coast this summer.  Yes, we know deep-fried oreos have been around for years.  It was just the idea of making them at home that we got from our trip to the coast.

Our family had rented a house for the weekend at the beach and it was literally steps away from the sand and ocean.  It was so beautiful and the weather all weekend was AMAAAZING.  It was a wonderful time spent with aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, brothers, etc.

On our last day there, we spent the day walking up and down the strip with all these cute little shops and restaurants.  We've been there many times before but never all together at one time:-)  Anyway, there was a little spot that had lots of deep-fried yumminess.

 I got the oreos.

My husband got the funnel cake.

One of my uncles got the snickers

And this silly uncle got the elephant ear.  

Apparently I didn't get a photo of the deep-fried twinkie:-(


It took us a couple of weeks to getting around to making these wonderfully deliciously bad for you treats at home but we finally did it!!!  Yay!!!  Here are some pictures from tonights experiment and I put the ridiculously easy recipe down below.  I'll try and get the ice cream recipe from my aunt and post it later. 

These ones were reduced fat.  Not that it would make a difference because they go into a pot of hot oil:-/

We used the chocolate creme oreos too.  OMG!!!  Yummy on a new stinkin' level, especially if you're a HUGE chocolate fan.  This homemade vanilla ice cream?!?!?!...........BA-NA-NAS!!!

Nothing like a plate full of regular and chocolate creme oreos.  Uber delightful :-)

Deep-Fried Oreo Recipe

1 pkg of your favorite Oreo flavored cookies
(you can choose from original, reduced fat, chocolate creme, peanut butter, mint, and a couple of others.  Lots of choices!)

Pancake Mix or Waffle Mix
(Either one will do)

Cooking Oil
(Canola seems to work best.  I think vegetable oil burns easier but it's really whatever you prefer to use.)

Confectioners Sugar
(Feel free to use your favorite brand.  I personally think powdered sugar is powdered sugar)

Now that you've got all your ingredients, it's time to get started on this tasty journey.  You ready?  There's nothin' to it:-)


1. Heat oil in a pan/pot or deep fryer.
2. Mix pancake or waffle mix according to the package instructions.
3. Dip the oreos in the pancake/waffle batter.  Make sure it's totally covered.
4. Drop the batter covered oreos into the hot oil using a fork and deep fry until it's golden brown.
5. Take them out and set them on a plate lined with a paper towel to soak up any excess oil.
6. Let them cool for about 2-3 minutes and then dust them with some confectioner's sugar.

Pop 'em in your mouth and enjooooy:-)  Bon Apetit!!!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Fading Memories:(


I can't believe my grandmother Liolio Fa'ai'u has been gone now for 11 years.  I just saw this picture and thought to myself, gosh, I haven't thought about you in so long:(

The truth is, I feel like I'm starting to not be able to remember things about her.  The memories that I have of my grandmother feel like they are just slipping away.  I can remember playing with her really loose skin on her hands or on her chin, but I can't remember the way it felt between my fingers.  I remember when she'd get upset with me and say "sheeshee" but I can hardly remember what her voice sounded like.  The more I think about some of those fading memories, the more I feel like I'm just a bad granddaughter and the more I feel like I never truly loved her because if I did, I would NEVER forget ANYTHING about her.

Am I the only one that goes through this?  Is there anyone else that has or is experiencing this?  How do you deal with the sad emotions that are attached to the thought of fading memories of someone that you've loved so much in life?

I so miss her.  Family life has not been the same since she passed.  All of us have our own lives to take care of and since she's been gone, there is no one to bring us back together again.  Bills, work, and life just snuck right in and sat in her chair.  It's literally been years since we've all been together under one roof reunited and catching up, laughing, crackin' jokes and having morning and evening worship.

This I know for sure, all the memories that I have of my grandmother could fade away.  What I will never forget is that she loved me and I loved her.  I might forget how she loved, but I will never forget how MUCH.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I love this song:)  I <3 Coldplay!

The Beautiful Woman

So, I've been thinking a lot about what makes a woman beautiful.  The one reoccurring thought in my mind is this...

I love women who are strong enough to stand on their own and men who are humble enough to let her show the world her strength.  Just sayin'.  I think BEAUTIFUL women are STRONG women and GREAT men are HUMBLE men.  You think??? I do.  I'm just sharing my thoughts:)

The words above were my thoughts that I decided to share on facebook as my status.  There is just something so beautiful and amazing when I see women, especially single women rock their INDEPENDENCE!  

I was single throughout my 20's and didn't get married until I was one month shy of turning 30.  Let me tell you, I had a blast during those years.  I believe during those years, it's an amazing time to really grow in yourself and you really discover who you are.  The things you truly believe in, the truth about your life and your ideas that your willing to fight and stand your ground for.   

Look, I'm not saying that being single is the way to go or that it's much more enjoyable than dating.  NO!  I'm married now and it is a BEAUTIFUL thing.  I wouldn't have my life any other way right now.  I'm just saying, enjoy being single WHILE you're single.  If you're not single, enjoy and love yourself anyway.  Either way, know your worth and don't offer financing.  You don't want to run the risk of having to be the repo-man and go looking to re-posses and recover your happiness.  Depend on no one to bring you your life's happiness.  I don't mean men, I mean NO ONE!!!   

Use this time to grow and feed your strengths.  Exercise your mind and make it STRONG!  There's BEAUTY in your OWN strength!!! And remember, when you find that strength, all the glory goes back to God.

Who am I?

I am a strong woman.  I rocked it on my OWN until I got married.  Loving codependency.  It's a beautiful thing when it's right!!!