Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Beautiful Woman

So, I've been thinking a lot about what makes a woman beautiful.  The one reoccurring thought in my mind is this...

I love women who are strong enough to stand on their own and men who are humble enough to let her show the world her strength.  Just sayin'.  I think BEAUTIFUL women are STRONG women and GREAT men are HUMBLE men.  You think??? I do.  I'm just sharing my thoughts:)

The words above were my thoughts that I decided to share on facebook as my status.  There is just something so beautiful and amazing when I see women, especially single women rock their INDEPENDENCE!  

I was single throughout my 20's and didn't get married until I was one month shy of turning 30.  Let me tell you, I had a blast during those years.  I believe during those years, it's an amazing time to really grow in yourself and you really discover who you are.  The things you truly believe in, the truth about your life and your ideas that your willing to fight and stand your ground for.   

Look, I'm not saying that being single is the way to go or that it's much more enjoyable than dating.  NO!  I'm married now and it is a BEAUTIFUL thing.  I wouldn't have my life any other way right now.  I'm just saying, enjoy being single WHILE you're single.  If you're not single, enjoy and love yourself anyway.  Either way, know your worth and don't offer financing.  You don't want to run the risk of having to be the repo-man and go looking to re-posses and recover your happiness.  Depend on no one to bring you your life's happiness.  I don't mean men, I mean NO ONE!!!   

Use this time to grow and feed your strengths.  Exercise your mind and make it STRONG!  There's BEAUTY in your OWN strength!!! And remember, when you find that strength, all the glory goes back to God.

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